Category Archives: Magee Marsh

Bird Blurs~

Howdee all,

Magee Marsh is a wonderful place for photographers to get close up to their subjects.

Photographers come from all over the world with lenses of varying sizes, hoping to capture the beauty of these winged creatures.

The birds are tired and hungry when they arrive and they are bulking up, before they head over Lake Erie, to get to their breeding grounds.

This gives great opportunity for close up photos of an amazing amount of birds concentrated in a small area.

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I however, am limited by my slow focus, short lens, point and shoot camera…

For every zillion photos I take, I get maybe two or three decent, passable ones.

So..what to do with all those photos that don’t pass the muster..

Why throw them out..

Why not show them off…

Who are these birds in Blur?

Test your skills…answers a few posts from now.


Bird Blurs~

Do you know your birds in blur?


 test 1


test 2


Test 3


test 45~

test 5


test 67~

test 78~

test 8


test 9

Good luck.

We have been here in Ohio for almost two weeks..

More posts to come..and even a decent bird photo or two Smile

We interrupt the New River Series…

Howdee all,

We interrupt the New River Birding and Nature Festival series to tell you where we are presently.

We left West Virginia after the festival on May 8th and traveled directly to Ohio for~

The Biggest Week in American Birding. FANFRIGANTASTIC!

We are staying at a campground very near Magee Marsh. We wake early most mornings to go birding.

Having a Super time  here!

I will blog about our experience next week most likely…

The birding is spectacular, the people are wonderful…

We were only supposed to stay here a week, and have extended our stay, we leave next Tuesday and head to Connecticut to visit family.

Sunset at the campground

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Happy Birding!